I am a French visual designer and illustrator, with 7+ years experience. I studied graphic design for 4 years, and graduated with a Licence in Graphic Design, Advertising and Marketing in 2008.
Since then, I worked for advertising agencies and public and private clients in France, Luxembourg, New York and London. I also expanded my skills and experience to illustration, live drawing and performance. I have created my interactive portrait machine, the Magic Depictor, where I draw 3-minute portraits of people through a magic mirror.
When it’s sunny outside, I like to get off the computer and go read comic books in the park. In my spare time I like to draw silly gifs and little comics about my daily life. When I have more time to spare I go travelling, preferably on long roadtrips.
– Shortlisted for the AOI Sounds of the City Exhibition 2017, London Transport Museum
– Shortlisted for the AOI Places and Spaces Exhibition 2015, London Transport Museum
– Grand Prize Winner of the Strand Bookstore Tote Bag Contest 2014, New York
– Best Marketing Campaign byt the Recruiter Magazine 2013, UK
View my other project the Magic Depictor here
Or simply stalk me around the Internet, why don’t you:
Je suis directrice artistique et illustratrice indépendante, avec plus de 5 années d’expérience.
Depuis que j’ai eu mon BTS Communication Visuelle et ma Licence Création Publicitaire en 2008, j’ai travaillé pour plusieurs agences de publicités, institutions publiques et autres entreprises privées. Voyageant entre Strasbourg, Lyon, Nancy, Luxembourg, New York et Londres, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler sur des projets très variés. Je fais également beaucoup de performances de dessin et illustration, que ce soit pour du live scribing ou avec mon pop-up de machine à portraits, le Magic Depictor. Ca marche comme un photomaton, sauf qu’à la place d’une photo d’identité vous avez un portrait dessiné à la main en 3 minutes!
Quand il fait beau je sors et je lis des BDs. Dès que j’ai du temps, je pars en voyage - j’ai un goût particulier pour les longs roadtrips.
– Shortlisted for the AOI Sounds of the City Exhibition 2017, London Transport Museum
– Shortlisted for the AOI Places and Spaces Exhibition 2015, London Transport Museum
– Grand Prize Winner of the Strand Bookstore Tote Bag Contest 2014, New York
– Best Marketing Campaign byt the Recruiter Magazine 2013, UK
Plus d’info sur mon Magic Depictor ici
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